Friday, August 18, 2006

Welcome to Clear Cool Head

I don't consider myself a political person. I only recently gave my first donation ever to a political campaign. My conservative friends think I'm liberal, my liberal friends think I'm conservative. I think of myself as moderate, and try to avoid ideology where possible. That doesn't mean I don't have principles or strong beliefs about right and wrong, just that I think a lot of political thought has predictable knee-jerk reactions to things, and they start from the answer and put on the blinders to the fact that that answer may not be the best one.

I have no political background, I have no particular qualifications to be blogging in the political space whatsoever. And I'm probably full of shit most of the time - I recognize that, and if you think so, please tell me so. But there are things I think need to be said, usually where I think ideology is getting in the way of rational approaches to the problems we all face. That's why I called this "clearcoolhead" - in the hope that cooler heads /clearer thinking can produce a useful discussion/result. Hopefully this will be at least a bit interesting.

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